
How does your employer commute program compare to your peers?

by | Mar 25, 2021 | Commute Trip Reduction, News

We are excited to announce the CTR Tableau Dashboard is live with 2020 Program Report information! Use this interactive tool to see how your employer commute program stacks up compared to your peers.

Each year Commute Seattle collects commute information from worksites affected by Washington’s Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law. Depending on the year, depends on the type of information collected. In 2020, we collected facilities and benefits program report information from nearly 250 worksites in the CTR Program. Thank you for your continued partnership and read the summary on our blog.

We are excited to announce the CTR Tableau Dashboard is live with 2020 Program Report information! This means those pesky SurveyMonkey reports worksites are required to complete through the CTR program are now boiled down into something amazing! The CTR Tableau Dashboard offers CTR-affected worksites an individualized comparison of their company’s commute program to their industry peers and CTR neighbors located nearby.

What is the dashboard?

Commute Seattle partnered with SDOT, WSDOT, and Tableau to develop this interactive dashboard. Our CTR Tableau Dashboard utilizes your most recent commuter survey and program report data to create a convenient self-service tool.

How do you access the dashboard?

All CTR-affected employers have access to the full employer-level data.  You can log in to your Tableau Dashboard here. For an overview of the dashboard features and data, check out this quick video tutorial.

How do ETCs use the dashboard?

The most frequently asked questions from Employee Transportation Coordinators (ETCs) are what other employers are doing and offering in their commute program. Commute Seattle most often hears:

  • “What do my industry competitors offer?
  • “How can our company be more competitive with our commute program?”
  • “How many companies charge their employees for parking?”
  • “How many companies offer ORCA transit passes?
  • “What employers nearby offer vanpool? Can we do any ride-matching?”
  • “How many have showers and lockers for their active commuters?”

The CTR Tableau Dashboard helps ETCs answer these types of questions. It also provides their company an individualized comparison based on their industry and location.

How We Can Help

Questions? Commute Seattle is here to help. Schedule a free consultation with our team of dedicated transportation specialists or connect with us at one of our upcoming events.

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